What Those Numbers On Fruit Stickers Really Mean

When we shop for groceries, we often focus on the brand and the expiry date. However, when selecting fruits and vegetables, most of us choose the ripe ones that look appealing. What many people don’t realize is that fruits and vegetables also have labels, which are often overlooked because we don't understand what they signify.

Understanding Fruit Stickers:

Number 9

Stickers on fruits provide more information than just the price. For instance, if the five-digit code on the fruit starts with the number 9, it indicates that the fruit has been organically grown.

Alandsmann | Pixabay

Number 8

A five-digit code starting with the number 8 means the product has been genetically modified (GMO). GMO foods are controversial, with some believing they trigger allergies. Genetic modification is used to enhance crop resistance to pests and diseases, improve herbicide tolerance, or increase nutritional content. Researchers are still studying the long-term effects of GMOs on humans. Common GMO fruits include papayas, apples, plums, strawberries, and grapes.

ElasticComputeFarm | Pixabay

 4-Digit Codes

A four-digit code starting with 3 or 4 signifies that the food has been conventionally grown. Conventional farming uses synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, unlike organic farming, which relies on organic matter like compost and mechanical or biological treatments for weeds. The environmental impacts and potential health implications of conventional farming are still debated.


Expert Insights:

Dr. Tamika D. Sims, senior director of food technology communications in Atlanta, Georgia, explains that both organic and synthetic fertilizers are federally regulated. She advises that instead of worrying about the numbers on fruit and vegetable stickers, people should focus on a balanced diet rich in a variety of foods for good health.

Importance of PLU Codes:

The number of digits in the PLU (Price Look-Up) code on produce also matters. These codes indicate how and where the food was grown and provide details about the size and type of the item. However, if a product has a sticker with more than five digits, it means it does not adhere to the internationally standardized system.

A Better Shopping Experience:

For many, grocery shopping is a mundane task to be completed quickly. Yet, understanding the labels on fruits and vegetables is crucial for our health. The International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) works to improve supply chain efficiency and ensure high-quality ingredients by establishing international standards.

This labeling system, implemented in the 1990s, ensures that produce meets quality standards. Although the system is optional, not all fruits and vegetables in stores are inspected or approved by the IFPS. Knowing what the numbers mean can help consumers make informed choices and expedite the self-checkout process by entering the PLU code instead of searching for the item by name.

Understanding the meaning behind these labels can be beneficial for anyone who cares about the quality of their food. The PLU code system is an excellent way to track the journey of our delicious and nutritious foods.

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