17 Photos You’ll Want to Take a Second Look At

Our perception can often mislead us, with optical illusions showing up more frequently than we might expect in everyday life. Viral Strange has curated a selection of images that will make you look twice.

Have you ever encountered a photo that made you stop and stare, trying to figure out what exactly you were seeing? These kinds of images can easily be mistaken for optical illusions.

Ever mixed up two art styles because their names sounded alike? Don’t worry! By focusing on key details, you can learn to appreciate and distinguish one style from another. Dive in to explore more.

A stylish swimsuit for men.

© Unknown author / Imgur

When bearded guys glance upwards:

© syn-ack-fin / Reddit

Darth Vader makes a return. Do you think it still sounds the same?

© txdude75252 / reddit

“What did this palm tree uncover?”

© MrSllew / reddit

Did you also mistake this for toothpaste?

© farmerfrugal / reddit

Industries contaminating the once-pure air.

© Dragonlord_66 / reddit

“The bottom of my eraser looks like a painting of birds perched in front of a line of trees.”

© Maxiscoolerthanyou / reddit

Giant pigeons on the loose!

© TastyTalk / reddit

“I hope it’s just an optical illusion.”

© kilerppk / reddit

This cat has markings that look like a second pair of eyes above its real ones:

© wtdarn / reddit

“Ducks begin to melt at 90°F.”

© varric_chestbeard / reddit

“This truck carrying rolls of plastic looks like Cookie Monster.”

© TheSpacePope17 / reddit

Impressive muscles!

© McCyanide / reddit

Hold off on calling the fire department…

© Isagra / reddit

This is downright cruel:

© vernontwinkie / reddit

Don’t mix these up!

© mk911 / reddit

This backpack may be light, but what exactly do you need it for? 

© Scaulbylausis / reddit

What do you think of these photos? Which one made you do a double-take before you figured out what it was?

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