Man Unveils Chilling Unseen Footage of Twin Towers Collapse

More than 20 years after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, previously unreleased footage of the Twin Towers' collapse has surfaced. Captured from a new vantage point, the video offers fresh insight into one of the most devastating moments in recent history. Kei Sugimoto, the individual who filmed this footage, decided to share it publicly after keeping it stored for over two decades.

A Day That Altered History

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On September 11, 2001, 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four planes in a coordinated assault on the United States. Two of these planes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City, causing the Twin Towers to collapse and leading to the deaths of nearly 3,000 people. This attack forever altered U.S. foreign policy and left a deep, global impact.

The Rediscovery of the Footage

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Sugimoto recently came across old video tapes while cleaning his home and discovered the footage he had filmed on that fateful day. Using a Sony VX2000 camera, he had recorded the collapse of the towers. Fearing the tapes could deteriorate, he quickly digitized them, revealing a perspective of the event that had never been seen before.

A Different Angle on the Collapse

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The video, taken from the rooftop of a building at 64 St. Marks Place in New York City, offers a rare northern perspective of the towers’ destruction. It shows the Twin Towers engulfed in thick black smoke before they collapse, providing a sobering visual reminder of the chaos and devastation. One viewer noted, “This gives a view not commonly seen—most footage is from the south or east.”

Public Reaction to the New Footage

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Since being released on July 23, 2023, the footage has drawn significant attention across social media platforms, sparking discussions and emotional reactions. Many were surprised that previously unseen footage could emerge after so many years. A Reddit user remarked, “It’s unbelievable that nearly 23 years later, new 9/11 footage is still being discovered.”

Historical Significance

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This video underscores the importance of preserving historical records. One online commenter reflected, “It makes you wonder how much forgotten history is stored away in people’s homes, waiting to be found.” In addition to offering a new visual account of the collapse, the footage reinforces the collective memory of an event that has shaped the 21st century.

A Lasting Legacy

Credit: Pexels

Kei Sugimoto’s decision to release this footage adds a unique element to the complex narrative of 9/11. The newly revealed perspective gives future generations another way to understand the tragedy, helping to ensure that the memory of that day remains alive. As the video circulates, it stands as both a historical record and a poignant reminder of the enduring impact of September 11.

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